If You Can Heal The Symptoms

but not affect the cause
                                                              it's quite a bit like trying to heal
the gunshot wound with gauze
if you instead 

                                                                the pistol from the hand 
then I would not be able to 
equate my life with 

As the Sharks Circled


 Milly knew her weasel was finally free

My thoughts were adrift

And coasting a 

approaching a rift

Mo' Moma

I love the Moma Dance, and I guess that is reflected by the disproportionate number of cards I have made for the song.... I have a good feeling about this song taking us for some rides this summer...

More Moma Dance cards here:


and a Tube card with tigers doing a MoMA dance (kind of a subtle double card):

Olivia's Pool

The second in the series of misheard song lyrics, this "Shafty" card contains both the true lyrics and a swimming pool...

Rage Side

Props to the Doc for the lion/ leo idea....

Parked My Kayak On A Stove

Misheard lyrics can be funny.... so I'm starting a new series of Uno cards of misheard Phish lyrics... This "Punch You In The Eye" card is the first in the series.

Docta B's Cards

 It doesn't matter

These are super sick in person. The photos don't really do them justice. Check out another sick Gumbo card by the Docta here: 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Phish Covers Classic Rock

 Clapton sees something he likes... Let it all hang out...